Who Said Churches, Mosques and Synagogues Are Not Essential Services?, By ‘Tope Fasua
These religious houses save millions of lives yearly, so they are essential.
These religious houses save millions of lives yearly, so they are essential.
What we need to experience some significant progress as a nation is to match up our talents with basic values ...
The solutions to issues societies are bickering and warring over lay in embracing religious truth, love and peace.
Do the poor know their position in the scheme of things?
...one of the lost important needs of our modern life is how to keep people inspired. If we could teach ...
In Nigeria today, thousands are dying from preventable causes, whether of infections, water-contamination, motor-accidents, armed robbery, poverty, etc. All these ...
...what should worry us is not religion as such, but the possibility that religion can become pathological such as the ...
In a country where good roads, electricity and healthcare facilities are taken to God in prayer, the link between religion ...
I agree with those that believe that religion OUGHT NOT to have a place or play a role in our ...
“They knew that Nigerians don't query their religious leaders.” Nigeria's leaders have long perfected the art of using religion to ...