Africa Must Raise Taxes To Fight Climate Change Better, By Léonce Ndikumana
The impact on public finances is even more worrying in Africa, where corporate taxes represent 15.3 per cent of government ...
The impact on public finances is even more worrying in Africa, where corporate taxes represent 15.3 per cent of government ...
Our continental body is deciding five days into the disaster to send an assessment team!
Another complication is that there would likely now be two opinions on almost everything.
Zimbabwe has a good document here.
The remaining old men still lording over their people on the continent are not necessarily susceptible to Mr. Mugabe’s folly.
The coup may pass off as ‘a transition’ but something tells me the Mugabe era, may be the golden age ...
There is however another tendency that is emerging within the continent that can checkmate the game of despots.
Using public funds to make way for your private business is, in itself, corruption.
I thought Mugabe should have handed the mantle to younger leaders long ago, but neither age, nor being in power ...
If “democracy” is anything, it is about ministering competently to the needs of the greater number of its constituents.